Contact us if you need
professional service of general contractor and/or project management in the designing and construction of buildings and facilities.
Our most important construction projects in 2017:
Apartment building in Kodulahe residential block, Lahepea 7
Reconstruction of administrative building “Nõmme Maja”, Valdeku 13
Kauri terraced houses, Saue parish
Apartment building with commercial premises, Juurdeveo 25b
Projects we are especially proud of (2006-2016):
Construction works of the Staff building of Jõgeva district of the Defence League
Reconstruction of the doctors’ and nurses’ house in Tallinn
Office and warehouse building in Maardu
Adventure Sport Center in Rae Parish
. Terraced houses in Metsavahi residential district
Joint building for Estonian Rescue Service and Emergency Response Centre
Tallinn Zoo’s environmental education centre
16-story office building in Rocca al Mare, Mõisa 4
Restoration of Läänemaa Gymnasium
Reconstruction of Jõgeva Gymnasium
Construction of the Nasva bridge and reconstruction of the Audru bridge.
The Company
Our company was born in 2006, bearing the name TREV-2 Ehitus, as a subsidiary of TREV-2 Grupp. In 2010, the group’s bridge building unit was merged with the company in order to take better advantage of the areas overlapped expertise and change both units more efficient.
In 2011, we were engaged in the implementation of a quality and environmental management system and were awarded with the ISO 9001_2008 and ISO 14001:2004 certificates.
In 2012, the occupational health and safety work at the company was recognised with the OHSAS 18001 certificate.
In the autumn of 2013, the management of TREV-2 Ehitus bought out the company’s current owner, TREV-2 Grupp, and the company was renamed to RAMM Ehituse OÜ.
Company’s revenue was 15,1 million euros in 2016.
At the beginning of 2017, the company employs 19 people, all of whom hold (or are in the process of the acquisition) a professional degree.
Each of our project managers has the professional qualification of a diploma-certified civil engineer.
The company is authorized by the National Heritage Board to restore architectural monuments.
In 2017, the sales revenue of the company amounted to 20 mln. euro.
As of the start of 2018, the company had 20 full-time employees, all of them with higher professional education (or in the process of completing it).